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Training Assessment Project Romania Country Report

This assessment is aimed at identifying and assessing the current conditions and common practices under which Romanian training institutions operate and providing policy makers and training providers with key actions and recommendations to strengthen the education and training system in the country, with the intention of leading to increased economic productivity and competitiveness.

Back profile of a child reaching for the stars

Open Educational Resource Policy Case Studies: The Seychelles

This case study outlines the OER policy development process for the Seychelles’ Information Communications Technology (ICT) in Education and Training Policy (2014-2019) and the subsequent ICT in Education and Training Policy (2022-2027). Both projects were initiated and supported by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL).

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Chapter 13 - Measuring implementation of UNESCO’s OER Recommendation: A possible framework

Drawing on a comprehensive literature review of best practice in OER measurement, as well as experience of working with UNESCO to support implementation of the Recommendation, this chapter presents an initial framework for the measurement of the effectiveness of the OER Recommendation and proposes indicators that regions, countries, and/or institutions could adopt or adapt to rigorously measure both how OER is used and its effectiveness for improving learning.

Children in a Classroom. In the back of a classroom, are children about 11 years old with a female teacher talking about the subject

Policy complexity and school curricula: A case for openness in the education system

Education systems around the world have traditionally been characterized by closed knowledge systems, overly prescriptive curricula, narrow conceptions of success and achievement, and a failure to fully empower teachers as facilitators of learning. This inhibits their ability to develop a full spectrum of human learning capabilities amongst learners, especially in their formative schooling years.

Book cover page (OER and Open pedagogy)

Chapter 7: African OER Initiatives in Higher Education: Insights into OER Localisation, Advocacy and Sustainability

In the last decade, a number of OER initiatives in African higher education have sought to address challenges related to the access, supply and contextualisation of educational materials. However, limited information is available on the effectiveness of such initiatives. To gain deeper insight into this, OER Africa conducted research between September 2019 and February 2022. The project analysed the effectiveness of eleven key African OER initiatives in higher education and their influence on developing and supporting effective OER practices.