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ICTs for education in Africa

The future development of Africa and its participation in the knowledge society will be greatly influenced by how Africa manages to deliver quality education to its citizens. Education forms the basis for developing innovation, science, and technology, in order to harness resources, industrialize, and participate in the global knowledge economy and for Africa to take its rightful place in the global community.

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Job-Ready Graduates of Secondary Education in Botswana, Lesotho and Zambia - Reforming Instruction, Curriculum, Assessment, and Structure to Teach Vocational and 21st Century Skills. World Bank

This report seeks to assist the Governments of Botswana, Lesotho, and Zambia to more effectively develop job ready secondary education graduates, who are better placed to increase their earnings and stay out of poverty. The report provides specific and practical suggestions for teachers, schools, and ministries to improve the job-readiness of secondary education graduates, and, in turn, is intended to facilitate a sharing of national and international experiences in the three participating countries.

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South Africa - Digital Economy Diagnostic

The South African government is aiming to pass several reforms across core elements of the digital economy, recognizing the need for new policy directions and preparing for the fourth industrial revolution (4iR). While South Africa’s wealthy households have broad access to quality and relatively affordable internet, people earning less than South African rand (ZAR) 7000 a month are largely unconnected. This report reviews how the digital divide affects the foundations of the digital economy and provides policy options for bridging the divide.

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Accelerating Digital Transformation in Zambia - Digital Economy Diagnostic Report

Zambia’s seventh national development plan (7NDP) sets ambitious targets for economic growth and poverty reduction. Technology can play an important role as Zambia advances this vision for economic transformation. The introduction of digital systems can also have a transformative effect on government. Improved access to digital technologies and effective use of data and digital systems can thus be powerful tools in the quest to increase private sector productivity, enhance public sector efficiency and effectiveness, and improve the accountability of both the public and private sectors.

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Open Educational Resource Policy Case Studies: The Seychelles

This case study outlines the OER policy development process for the Seychelles’ Information Communications Technology (ICT) in Education and Training Policy (2014-2019) and the subsequent ICT in Education and Training Policy (2022-2027). Both projects were initiated and supported by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL).

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Technological Infrastructure and Use of ICT in Education in Africa: an overview

This report seeks to explore various issues relating to education in sub-Saharan Africa. Of particular interest is how distance education and open learning can be supported by ICT, for the majority of people in Africa (many of whom are now excluded from educational opportunities of any form). The report is based on desk research, including a review of literature and examples of current initiatives using ICTs for education in sub-Saharan Africa, with a specific focus on open and distance learning.

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Higher Education and ICT in Egypt: A Review of the Literature

This paper provides a review of literature on the status of higher education and ICT in Egypt. The broader national context and move towards prioritizing ICT on a national level is considered, before looking specifically at higher education challenges and e-learning initiatives centred in higher education.

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Chapter 2 - A Profile of Higher Education in the Region

The role of higher education as an enabler of development has gained increasing prominence, particularly in the context of the knowledge society and the growing importance of learning, information and technology in economic performance. In order to reach the goals of the SADC Protocol and to release the potential of higher education in the region, decision-makers require current, relevant, accurate and comparable information on the state of higher education.

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Harmonization of Higher Education Programmes: A Strategy for the African Union

In pursuit of the vision of an integrated Africa, the African Union Commission (AUC) has embarked on developing a strategy for harmonization of Higher Education Programmes (HEP) in Africa in order to foster cooperation in information exchange, harmonization of procedures and policies, and attainment of comparability of qualifications, in order to facilitate mobility of Africans across African countries for employment and further study. This paper provides an overview of existing harmonization initiatives globally and continentally.

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