This report seeks to assist the Governments of Botswana, Lesotho, and Zambia to more effectively develop job ready secondary education graduates, who are better placed to increase their earnings and stay out of poverty. The report provides specific and practical suggestions for teachers, schools, and ministries to improve the job-readiness of secondary education graduates, and, in turn, is intended to facilitate a sharing of national and international experiences in the three participating countries. This report summarizes the main findings and recommendations for improving job-readiness in secondary education in Botswana, Lesotho, and Zambia. Overall, the report calls for a reform process of instruction, curriculum, assessment, and structure of secondary education national education movements led by teachers and principals to more effectively develop entrepreneurial graduates with critical thinking, problem-solving, team-working, and strong foundational skills. This should be supported by investments and policies that train teachers in student-centric teaching, as well as an overhaul of student assessment to include school-based assessments.