Below are multiple language, multimedia tutorials, designed to train UNESCO ICT CFT users in how to use the framework and access and search for openly licenced materials on the UNESCO ICT CFT hub, to support educators acquire the ICT CFT skills.
1. UNESCO ICT CFT framework

2. UNESCO ICT CFT resource hub & network

1: إطار كفاءات المعلمين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات الخاص باليونسكو
2: مركز وشبكة اليونسكو لموارد إطار كفاءات المعلمين في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات
1: UNESCO Référentiel de compétences TIC pour les enseignants
2: UNESCO: Plateforme de ressources et Réseau et du Cadre de compétences TIC pour les enseignants

1: ЮНЕСКО: Структура ИКТ компетенций учителей
2: ЮНЕСКО: Ресурсный центр и сеть по структуре ИКТ компетенций учителей

NBA Author(s)
Licence Condition
Date of Publication

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Open Educational Resources
Developing and aggregating content for course, curriculum and training materials development; working in multiple media including print, video, audio and online multimedia
Developing, supporting and promoting the use of Open Education Resources (OER)
Developing the capacity of educators to harness technology effectively to design and implement effective educational courses and programmes