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Researching the effectiveness of Open Educational Resource (OER) policies

This report sets out to understand the effectiveness of OER policies to date and whether there is evidence of integration between OER policy provisions and other mainstream government policy commitments or strategic goals. The research involved a review of 27 standalone OER policies and 16 policies that contained OER commitments. Through the analysis of the OER policy environment, the report aims to strengthen understanding of the most effective strategies and approaches to create government policy and regulatory environments that facilitate implementation of UNESCO’s Recommendation on OER and OER more generally.

Research reports
Education Sector
Early childhood development (ECD)
Higher education
Primary and Secondary Education
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET)
Date of Publication
Young child sitting at a school desk and writing
Open Educational Resources
Policy development
Offering strategic planning and policy advice to significant role players in education planning and implementation
Developing, supporting and promoting the use of Open Education Resources (OER)