The Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative (GeSCI) is developing a conceptual framework for an African Leaders in ICT (ALICT) capacity building programme, which will be implemented in collaboration with the African Union Commission (AUC) and other African partners. ALICT, which is one of the AUC’s flagship projects, focuses on building leaders’ ICT and ICT management skills. The ALICT programme is based on the AUC’s African Regional Action Plan for Knowledge Economy (ARAPKE) and is designed to intensify its activities. It is also well aligned with the framework of the EU-Africa eighth Strategic Partnership on Science, Information Society and Space (Africa-EU P8).1 2 Understanding the Knowledge Society The GeSCI programme aims to model a methodology and multi-stakeholder approach to building capacity and raising awareness of African leaders on issues of the Knowledge Society, ICT, Education, Science and Technology and Innovation.
This paper is one of a series prepared for the AUC capacity building programme, with a focus on ICT, Education, Development and the Knowledge Society. It focuses on understanding what a knowledge society is and exploring its relationship to ICT, Education, and Development. It thereafter considers trends in ICT integration in Education and Development and highlights some of the challenges in implementing ICT in education initiatives in Africa. Finally, some tentative recommendations on key issues are presented.