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NBA has nearly 20 years’ experience conducting research and evaluation in the education sector. We have worked in early literacy, primary and secondary school education, post-school education and training as well as higher education. Most of our research has focused on developing country contexts and we have a deep understanding of the South African and broader African context, having been involved in research across most countries in Southern, East and West Africa. In addition, we have conducted research in numerous other developing country contexts, including, for example, India, Indonesia and the broader East-Asia region, Serbia, Romania, Azerbaijan, Guyana and others.  

NBA’s highly competent research team bring immense experience in conducting educational research – whether desktop studies, policy research, large scale surveys, or nuanced and detailed qualitative studies. Our innovative approach to dealing with applied research challenges across developing country contexts forms the foundation of our rigorous, yet practical approach to answering complex educational research questions that respond to the specific needs of our clients, assisting them to think differently about systemic education dilemmas. Through our research (and other activities) NBA strives to present practical alternatives to the increasingly problematic educational status quo, so facilitating meaningful social change.